Category Archives: podcast

Tales Podcast 1- 7/21/16

totc blog header 2016

Tales of the Cocktail 2016 podcast #1! Parties, party buses, and seminars! Interviews feature Jeffrey Morgenthaler, Paul Clarke, and Adam Ford (who wrote “Vermouth“).

Download Tales Episode 1.

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Podcast 97- Sukkah Hill Liqueurs and Southside

simple cocktails podcast

Off to Tales with our sponsors Catoctin Creek and Macchu Pisco! Harry Potter spirits? We taste Sukkah Hill liqueurs Etrog and Besamim. “Lemonade with croquet and shit.” Lisa can taste the 1%? “I always sneak booze into that thing.” We reference the Southside Fizz, then make a Southside. The list of cocktail podcasts.

Download Episode 97.

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Podcast 96- Sacred Bond Brandy and Spymaster

Vacation = Greg’s a lobster. We stare at the Club 33 door. Stay at The Whitney for TOTC! We taste (Christian Brothers) Sacred Bond Brandy. Greg thinks he remembers what “bottled in bond” means. We make a Spymaster cocktail with Reyka Vodka. Greg mentions Robert Hess’s channel on Small Screen Network. Kuhn Rikon knives. Lisa considers making a list of every cocktail at Tales of the Cocktail…

Download Episode 96.

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Podcast 95- Jade 1901 and Rob Roy

jade 1901 absinthe

Greg’s book releases next week! Get it here. Staying humble? We taste Jade 1901 Absinthe. Anne of Green Gables’ lemonade at church picnic glasses. Greg reads from Whiskey by Michael Dietsch. We make a Rob Roy cocktail. We mention Dashfire Bitters. We mention Camper English’s Tales seminar this year. Greg hates banana ice and Lisa hates paper plates.

Download Episode 95.

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Podcast 94- Martini and Brandy & Root

simple cocktails podcast

No friends this week…but 2 cocktails! We make a Martini. Greg persecutes Lisa’s drinkmaking skills…as always. Americans and cocktails. We’re going to Tales of the Cocktail! We make a new cocktail: Brandy & Root.

Download Episode 94.

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Podcast 93- New Mexico Cocktails and Culture

new mexico cocktails and culture

We visit New Mexico Cocktails and Culture and talk to some big names in mixology…and big names in New Mexico! Interviews include Tony Abou Ganim, Anthony from Bulldog Gin, Bobby G, and Chris Milligan. Thanks to Natalie Bovis for her hard work on this event!

Download Episode 93.

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Podcast 92- Bayou Rum and Blue Blood

bayou rum

Greg’s book is coming! Larry & Susie get the first copy. Kevin is back and Nickelette is still pregnant. We taste Bayou Rum. We mention San Antonio Cocktail Conference. Susie sells the book: “honey, we need more vodka!” We make a custom cocktail with Art in the Age Black Trumpet Blueberry Cordial: the Blueblood.

Download Episode 92.

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Podcast 91- ​Hudson Four Grain Bourbon and Akdov Telmig

akdov telmig

“Really good social media friends” Kevin & Nickelette join the party! Good friends with good friends. A guest curveball. We taste Hudson Four Grain Bourbon. About wax seals and liquor brands. Greg mentions Journeyman Distillery. Food pairing with this bourbon? We make Ed Wood’s favorite drink, an Akdov Telmig. “Let the pregnant lady shake.” We reference Plan 9 From Outer Space. “Simple Cocktails is a miracle worker.”

Download Episode 91.

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Podcast 90-​​​ Boodles Mulberry Gin and Deanne

podcast blog header 2016

Jeff’s babysitting payment. Small bottles. Lisa writing on the walls. We taste Boodles Mulberry Gin. Out light-up Absolut bottle. Jeff thinks he’s Thor? Sarah’s come a long way from Camelback Screwdrivers. We drink a Deanne cocktail. Greg’s lemon. “You talk wrong.”

Download Episode 90.

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Podcast 89- ​​Novo Fogo Single Barrel Cachaça and Palmetto

jeff and sarah simple cocktails podcast

It’s Jeff and Sarah! ⬆

Jeff is the source of Greg’s cocktail stories. “Make me something interesting.” Drive through Daiquiris. We taste Novo Fogo Single Barrel Cachaça. We talk Louisiana and break out the Bayou Rum. Greg mentioned his Rio Grande Cocktail. We brag on New Mexico IPAs…shout outs to La Cumbre and Bosque Brewing. We make a Palmetto Cocktail. Edible flowers?

Download Episode 89.

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