Dandy Candy Cocktail

candy dandy cocktail

I adapted this recipe from Bulleit’s Facebook page. It’s low-volume and quite easy to drink.

Dandy Candy Cocktail

  • 1 oz bourbon
  • 1/4 oz sweet vermouth
  • 1/4 oz triple sec
  • 1 dash Bitter End Jamaican Jerk bitters (buy from Cocktail Kingdom), or other bitters of choice
  • stir with ice and strain into a small cocktail glass
  • garnish with an orange twist

2 thoughts on “Dandy Candy Cocktail

  1. Chad

    Sounds great! I like triple sec with bourbon and sweet vermouth, ever since I read about the Employees Only “Modern Manhattan” in the bar’s cocktail book “Speakeasy”: http://stayathomecocktails.blogspot.com/2011/04/book-review-speakeasy.html. But their proportions are very different.

    Jamaican Jerk bitters also sounds interesting. I may have to look into that, although I doubt there is a large use for it in a home bar.

    Thanks for the drink. I will be making one tonight. Also, cool glass.


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