A Tarantino kick and a nod to his cocktail selection. Beer pops? We taste Grey Goose. Lisa introduces “spiky” as a tasting word. “Did they invent the melon?” We taste Grey Goose Le Melon. Greg attempts to establish himself as “cool” ….and fails. “Is there voodoo involved?” Greg screamed like a young girl. “Where’s your dusty old books?” We make a Sazerac. “I’m so excited to have one in New Orleans.”
We will be recording podcasts live at Tales of the Cocktail this year! Best breakfast burritos and Donald Trump. We taste mezcal for the first time with Don Amado Rustico. “The first time you try something you almost never like it.” Greg mentions his old brandy cherry post. The theme is Mexico. We make a Sidecar cocktail.
1 year of podcasting and 50 episodes!!! The podcasting history of Greg and Lisa. We turn out the lights and celebrate with a bottle of Absolut Spark (photo here). Vodka takes off stink and starches shirts. #sparkyournight We make an Aunt Agatha cocktail. The only goth we had in the 80s? “We owe papa a new funnel.” Great looking ice.
We’re going to Tales of the Cocktail! More concerned about hair than drunkenness. We taste Hornitos Spiced Honey…and do a quick comparison with Wild Turkey American Honey Sting. Greg mentions a Brave Bull and a Akdov Telmig. We make a Gimlet and talk Scurvy talk. MARMALADE! Discomfort when he pees.
Coconut water statistics. “I love cocktails that give you a little bit of a caffeine buzz.” We taste Southern Comfort Bold Black Cherry. Greg mentions this SoCo commercial. Coconut stories and discussion. We make Greg’s CocoMenta cocktail. Eating everything in the yard.
Greg’s insecurities and cultural vanity. We taste SAGE by Art in the Age. Wait…is this booze or aftershave? A gin without juniper. “It makes my knees sweat.” We make part 2 of the Lion series: a White Lion cocktail. Not named after the band. Greg re-uses Lisa’s joke…again.
“Those old, dusty books have scary recipes in there.” Greg loves What, When, Where, and How to Drink. Old, bald white men in suits. We taste Brancamenta. Neon orange shot glasses. Gin cocktails “so we can drink at work.” Overwhelmed by a PacMan orange. We make the Red Lion cocktail.
“Let’s go on a trip to New Orleans.” Tales of the Cocktail is coming up. What is chicory? We taste Hoodoo Chicory Liqueur. “Put it in pancakes.” It’s not a disease from tejano music, but we make a Tequonic. Lisa says it’s “classic.”
Rum & cigars. Greg is a cheerleader. The state tree of NM. We taste Left Turn Distilling’s Piñon Rum. The Boston Tea Party. Fresh citrus = craft cocktails? We make a Señorita cocktail. Greg mentions Big Gin. “You get to the liquor quicker.” Colorado dissing. Yeah, we have a Pinterest page.