Bols Genever

bols genever

One of my first reviews at Simple Cocktails was some genever, and as a gin lover, I didn’t really know how to process it, because while gin developed from genever, genever tastes nothing like gin. Since that initial taste of genever I’ve been told that Bols Genever is the standard of quality for genever, and I finally picked up a bottle.

I’m going to repeat myself once more: the flavor of genever is nothing like gin. I would venture to say it’s unlike all other base spirits out there, but it most closely resembles scotch. Bols’ genever is malty, rich, and tasty, but I would suggest you avoid many gin cocktails and try it in more traditional scotch cocktails, or just serve it neat or in an Old Fashioned. Here’s a genever version of the Rob Roy cocktail:

Amsterdam Sunshine

  • 2 oz Bols Genever
  • 1 oz sweet vermouth
  • stir and strain into a chilled cocktail glass
  • orange peel garnish

2 thoughts on “Bols Genever

  1. Jessica

    I picked up a bottle of Bols Genever last month and definitely agree it’s nothing like gin. I’ve played around with it in a few recipes and haven’t been super happy with any of them yet. I’ll have to try this one. Thanks for sharing!


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