Tag Archives: whiskey

Non-Alcoholic Whiskies: Ritual and Monday

The past year or two, I’ve begun to see non-alcoholic versions of popular liquors appear on store shelves and in social media advertisements. There are NA versions of every major base spirit that are made by one or both of the brands in this post, but today we’re going to focus on Ritual and Monday’s Whiskeys.

Whether you bill it as “Zero Proof” (Ritual) or “Zero Alcohol” (Monday), the effect is the same. These are whiskey-flavored whiskey substitutes without a drop of alcohol. There are, of course, several reasons for such a thing, and with the 2020 pandemic increasing many people’s alcohol intake, there may not be a better time to introduce these. They each make for a good cocktail whiskey substitute as well.

Both Ritual and Monday seem to base their flavor profiles on American whiskeys, the bourbons or Tennessee whiskeys we’re familiar with. Scotch drinkers may need to look for other brands to fit their bill.

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Whiskey Girl Whiskies

whiskey girl whiskies

Whiskey Girl is a line of flavored whiskies from Dark Corner Distillery in South Carolina and designed to appeal to female whiskey lovers. Currently available on the east coast, Whiskey Girl is available in 3 varieties: Apple & Maple, Butterscotch and Peach. Retailing at just under $30 a bottle, we had the opportunity to try both the butterscotch and peach versions of their whiskies on a recent podcast episode.

Based on a whiskey of corn, barley and wheat (without spicy rye), and at 35% alcohol, Whiskey Girl are very mild whiskies, indented to be easy to drink for everyone, I imagine. These are sweetened, too, though the level of sweetness seemed to be dependent on the specific flavor we chose. On the podcast, most drinkers preferred the peach flavor as it has a more whiskey-forward flavor profile and tasted less sweet than the candy-like butterscotch. Peach Whiskey Girl, we figured, would be delicious in iced tea, as it would flavor it, sweeten it, and booze it up.

Cocktails with Whiskey Girl will involve some creativity, but you should probably consider replacing a whiskey liqueur with these, and not a whiskey. I made a Manhattan with Whiskey Girl Peach in the place of rye, and the flavor balance was off. Cocktails with whiskey liqueurs as a ingredient (like Southern Comfort or Drambuie) would be the easiest to swap out for Whiskey Girl, so I tried it in a J.R.’s Revenge cocktail, which is usually made with Southern Comfort:

Butterscotch Revenge

  • in a mixing glass, add:
  • 1 1/2 oz bourbon
  • 1/4 oz Whiskey Girl butterscotch
  • 2 dashes of bitters
  • stir with ice and strain in a chilled cocktail glass

customer service technology

The importance of customer service can never be under estimated. Customer service can be as important as the products you’re selling, investing in good customer services if usually one of the best sales tips a business owner can follow. So what if you’re not up for an on-site conversation or are not willing to personally take the time to resolve your concerns? You can still have a conversation with customers through online chat tools like Skyscanner and support tickets, which often contain more information and a way for the customer to connect with the team behind the product.

Startups interested in applying for funding should checkout an incubator who also offers experts in the industry to help.

The Future of Customer Service: 12 Trends to Test in 2020

Your Chat Service Can Help

Chat isn’t new, but it’s still growing at a rapid pace. Although it was previously reserved for more business-oriented communication, today’s chatbots allow users to chat with services from brands like PayPal, Amazon and Microsoft, to companies such as Spotify and Zappos, to universities and nonprofits.

However, one of the biggest reasons why chat bots are being used at such a rapid pace is because of their low cost. The average number of users that use a chatbot is about 140 a day, which means if you have 1,000 users that would equate to $20,000 a day in revenue. If that’s not enough revenue, there is also the fact that a bot is much more efficient than a human employee or contractor. Bots are typically more affordable, cheaper and faster to set up because they do not require the hiring of a human agent or contractor. Furthermore, many companies are now including chatbots as a part of their chat experience, rather than on the front end. For example, Slack’s Bot API allows companies to create bots with pre-defined phrases, chat with the bot by speaking to it and for companies that use Slack to integrate with their chatbots the Bot API makes it easier than ever to integrate chatbots into their experience.

Bots can be used to deliver your services, enhance user engagement and increase revenue from existing products.