Tag Archives: liquor

Simple Cocktails Podcast Episode 14

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Which liquors do you refrigerate? Lisa reveals her Love Language as we taste 4 flavors Ciroc. Is Greg’s hand sticky? Lisa reveals the secret of the Ciroc Coconut Flavoring Room. A lot of cups. A little Licor 43 tasting as we sip on tiny beers like the giants do. We measure liquids by the inch. “I wanna whip it.”

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Simple Cocktails Podcast Episode 13

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Craft spirits discussed: link to the story we talked about. Spirits made by tiny hands in a tiny distillery, it’s Snap and Root liqueurs. The value of…cursive?  “It pours out into your entire body.” Greg measured Old Fashioned glasses to find their true volume. We make a Rusty Nail cocktail, like 3 different ways, 2:1, 2:splash, and 1:1. A good reason to make cocktails at home. Twerking with cocktails.

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Simple Cocktails Podcast Episode 12

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We ignore all the cocktail party rules and talk religion! And booze. We drink the elixir of life and Lisa has mixed feelings. It’s a liqueur that’s been around before color! We do some patriotic drinking as we make the Liberty. Apples are hard to garnish with. Greg has another.

We reference the Alaska Cocktail and a Monk’s Old Fashioned at some point, too.

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Simple Cocktails Podcast Episode 11

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Greg gushes for quite a while about Steven Grasse. We do the world’s first podcast review of Spodee White…at least we think so. Here’s the old Spodee review (light switch included). Greg gushes some more about Steven. Lisa diverts us to Disneyland. “The tip of my tongue says whee!'” Kids and cocktails? “All of your inspiration is me.” We finish with another 1:1:1 cocktail, the first one Greg ever made.

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Simple Cocktails Podcast Episode 10

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Talkin’ prohibition. “We are against beating your wife.” Mason jars suck. “This moonshine is somewhere in my blood.” How do you use moonshine in cocktails? We make a grown-up chocolate Coke, the Piranha, and Greg is surprised that people like it. Lisa’s a crooked woman? Greg doesn’t know the rules about women.

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Simple Cocktails Podcast Episode 9

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Glow-in-the-dark cocktails served by the yard? Why do people drink more during the holidays? We consider whiskey with breakfast and drink two Maple Whiskies. Dry and tasteless cornbread. Has Lisa been tasting alcohol wrong all this time? Everybody loves a wet mouth. We make a Daiquiri thanks to Jeffrey Morgenthaler’s recipe. Not up to snuff as far as pirates are concerned. Greg says “crazy” or “insane” way too many times.

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Simple Cocktails Podcast Episode 8

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State drinks discussed, everything loses to bourbon. Never a Bud Lite cocktail. Genever pronunciations at we taste Bols Genever. “Is that an allergic reaction?” We make the #1 cocktail that is an Eagles song: the Tequila Sunrise. Grenadine talk (check out the comparison post here). We know our sunrises. Pour them slowly.

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Simple Cocktails Podcast Episode 7

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Episode 7 has a theme: all about Amaros. Acquiring a taste, or changing taste buds? “Bitter is a word that you say when things are bad.” We taste Fernet Branca (Lisa says it tastes “like a fairytale”), Campari, Cynar, Aperol, and Averna. Greg quotes himself. References are made to chocolate potato chips. Lisa makes a Negroni. Is it sophisticated to go without the orange?

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Simple Cocktails Podcast Episode 6

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Cocktail and food pairing, or as Lisa says, “nibbles.” Sneering in the face of cool, Greg admits to liking a brand-new flavored whiskey (listen in to see which one). Benefits of being friends with a chicken. What is 1/4 of a lime? Even though salmonella freaks people out, Lisa braves some egg whites while she makes a Pisco Sour.

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Simple Cocktails Podcast Episode 5

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A Game of Thrones themed cocktail followed by a brief Sharknado interlude. Greg makes a sweeping generalization about Don Julio Tequila. Tasting feet sweat. “You have a Mexican wife.” What do they age Tequila in? When to shake a cocktail. Lisa makes an easy dessert drink: the White Russian.

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