Category Archives: vodka

206 Distillery in Seattle

206 distillery

I had the opportunity to visit 206 Distillery in downtown Seattle recently, who make Counter Gin and Batch 206 Vodka, and got a tour from Rusty Figgins, their master distiller. Rusty let us start with a small (1/2 oz) colder-than-freezing taste of their vodka, which was good but not particularly different for other mid-range vodkas I’ve tried.  After my palate was cleared, I had an ice-cold sip of their gin.

Rusty then showed us the distilling chambers and some of the new projects they’re working on, which were aging in barrels at the time (hint: whiskey and brandy) and let us see the clean red wheat that their vodka is distilled from.

206 distillery

All in all, it was a fun day, and Rusty is a lot of fun to hang out with. I bought a bottle of Counter Gin for $25, and it’s been well worth it. The gin is great, a good strong taste, very botanical. Rusty showed me the various botanics that go into the gin as part of the tour. To give it a review, it’s got plenty of juniper flavor and some burn, and I’d call it a gin-lover’s gin, which is to say it’s not as smooth and friendly as Hendrick’s is to the common man.
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Tito’s Martini

tito's vodka martini

“Happiness is a dry martini and a good woman…or a bad woman.” ~George Burns

The martini is the definitive “welcome home” drink from a hard day’s work.  While there’s a tireless debate about gin or vodka, shaken or stirred, wet or dry, I’m going to present one recipe here in order to stay true to the “simple” moniker.  Here’s my favorite vodka martini.

Vodka Martini

  • 2 oz Tito’s Handmade vodka
  • 1/2 oz dry vermouth
  • 1 or more olives to garnish
  • as JB says, “shaken, not stirred”

To chill the cocktail glass, I prefer using ice water (see picture above) while I build the drink.  This is faster and requires less planning than freezing the glass.

White Russian

titos and starbucks white russians

I’ve been working up to this for a while, because it’s a great way to use coffee ice, which I made over several weeks and kept in a gallon bag in the freezer.  Next, I got my favorite vodka, Tito’s Handmade and my second-favorite coffee liqueur, Starbucks (Patron XO Cafe is my favorite by far).  Fill the glass with “coffee ice” and add:

White Russian

  • in a shaker, combine:
  • 1 oz vodka
  • 1 oz coffee liqueur
  • 1 oz cream
  • shake well with ice and strain into an ice-filled old fashioned glass