Wheeler’s Western Dry Gin [+ Giveaway]

Wheeler's Western Dry Gin

Santa Fe Spirits has proudly introduced Wheeler’s Western Dry Gin to their spirits catalog this fall. As we learned with Aviation, Western Dry Gins are similar to London Drys, but usually have an additional stand-out flavor accompanying the juniper.

In Wheeler’s, the standout botanical is Osha Root, known for it’s “spicy celery” flavor and scent. Osha is indigenous to the southwest, and a good fit for this gin. Flavor-wise, Wheeler’s is like a London Dry style gin from serving through swallowing, but as you swallow it, the veggie/earthiness of the Osha sneaks in there. The finish is clearly spicy celery: Osha and Sage. Because Wheeler’s stand-out botanical has vegetation flavor, Fernet Branca is a good complement for Wheeler’s in a cocktail:

Wheeler’s Hanky Panky

  • 1 1/2 oz Wheeler’s Gin
  • 1 oz sweet vermouth
  • 1 dash Fernet Branca
  • Stir over ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a celery stick.

Wheeler’s is available at most local Albuquerque and Santa Fe retail liquor stores, and online from the distillery. Santa Fe Spirits has offered Simple Cocktails readers a chance to win a Wheeler’s prize pack, including:

  • Wheeler’s Gin shirt
  • Santa Fe Spirits rocks glasses
  • Santa Fe Spirits Glencairn tasting glass
  • Santa Fe Spirits mini flask

To win, just leave a comment below and tell me where would you love to be while you’re sipping this gin? Winner will be selected at random on or around December 10, 2012 and will be contacted by email. U.S. residents only.

15 thoughts on “Wheeler’s Western Dry Gin [+ Giveaway]

  1. Deb Payne

    Friends would join us in front of the fireplace sipping the Gin and talking about visits to the Santa Fe area. We have shared other Santa Fe Spirits with several friends & they enjoy them all as we experiment with the cocktail recipes.

  2. Joslyn Hidalgo

    The first thing that came to mind when I first tasted this gin was my recent trip to Ojo Caliente. Sitting around the grounds, hiking up to the mica mines, relaxing by the fire in the hotel lobby— the smell of desert sage is everywhere. I’ll definitely be taking a bottle next time I go.

  3. ann lanzante

    We love to drink the Wheeler Western Dry Gin in a Gin & Tonic @ the Santa Fe Spirits distillery!

  4. greg

    Well, I mixed the comments in a cocktail shaker and poured out our winner: comment #10 – Cathy! I’ve emailed you to get your shipping info for your goodies! Congratulations and keep playing and reading everyone!

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